Bike Routes Technical details
Our detailed proposals:
Route n. 1 – 17 km – easy
Salsomaggiore, 160 meters a.s.l. – Cabriolo, 90 meters, Tabiano Terme, 164 meters, Tabiano Castello, 336 meters
From Salsomaggiore take Strada statale 359 to Fidenza; turn right after about 7 km, direction Parma A1. At the intersection with the road to Tabiano turn left and after 500 meters, on the left again, turn to the narrow road that leads to the Pieve di Cabriolo, parish church dedicated to St Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Of Romanesque architecture, it was an important resting place for the pilgrims walking the via Francigena to Rome.
Back to the road to Tabiano. In the town centre, turn left to the Respighi spa and go on riding up to the Castle. Built by the Pallavicino, is one of the four "castelli del sale" (Castles of salt), today private residence. Enjoy the beautiful panorama. Back, descending to Tabiano, 600 meters. Turn left, direction Pontegrosso. Go on, after hotel Panoramic turn left towards Salsomaggiore. |
Route n. 2 – 37 km – medium, difficult
Salsomaggiore 160 meters a.s.l. – S.Margherita 94 m. – SM del Ghisolo 130 m – Pieve di Cusignano 300 m. - San Vittore 309 m. – Piè di Via-Contignaco 252 m
This route winds among small valleys, sweet hills and ancient churches. From Salsomaggiore take ss 359, direction Fidenza, turn right direction Parma A1; at the intersection with the road to Tabiano turn left and then right to Santa Margherita. Keeping the left you'll reach S. Margherita. Go on toward the church of Santa Maria del Gisolo, ancient church and resting place for the pilgrims directed to Rome, following the via Francigena. You'll arrive to Pieve di Cusignano a village dominated by a massive construction with at the centre the Tower and the church. Ride straight toward Banzola, up the hills to San Vittore and down toward Salsomaggiore. In the centre of Piè di Via turn left; after 1 km turn left again and in a few meters you'll see the Romanesque church of Contignaco. Back on the main road follow the signs to Salsomaggiore |
Route n. 3 – 30 km – medium
Salsomaggiore 160 meters a.s.l. – S. Nicomede 132 m. – Catelnuovo Fogliani 107 m, Bacedasco basso 134 m – Vigoleno 357 m- Scipione 260 m
From Salsomaggiore SS 359 to Fidenza. After 4,5 km turn left for S. Nicomede riding in the open country. In S. Nicomede visit the most ancient church of the diocese. In this area you'll find the famous fossil deposit of the Parco dello Stirone. Take the road to your right, direction Piacenza Alseno to Castelnuovo Fogliani, where you can admire the wonderful fortified residence of the distinguished Famiglia Fogliani (not open to the public). In the village centre turn left to Piacenza and at the next stop left again for Bacedasco Basso where excellent wine is produced. After 2 km you'll see the signs for Vigoleno. At the end of the rise - 3 km on a bad maintained road, leave the main road turning right to Vigoleno. Back to Salsomaggiore following road signs. Before Scipione Ponte you can visit the "Centro Visite e Museo Naturalistico del parco fluviale dello Stirone". After the bridge, to the right, climb for 1,5 km and find, on your left side, the medieval village of Scipione Castello (worth a visit). After the descent (a couple of km) back in Salsomaggiore. |
Route n. 4 – 61 km – medium, difficult
Salsomaggiore 160 meters a.s.l. – Fidenza 75 m. – Castione Marchesi 60 m. – Busseto 40 m. – Roncole Verdi 37 m. – Soragna 20 m. – S. Secondo 37 m. – Fontanellato 47 m
From Salsomaggiore to Fidenza (S.S. 359) 9 km. The most important monument is the Romanesque cathedral, dedicated to St Donnino, town's patron saint. Worth a visit: the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall -1191) and the theatre, G. Magnani, inaugurated by Giuseppe Verdi. From Fidenza, ride along via Emilia to Piacenza; after the bridge over the Stirone torrent take the second road to the right to Busseto; after about 5 km you'll find the village of Castione Marchesi with the Benedictine Monastery and the tenth century Church. Continuing on the S. S. 588 road you'll reach Busseto, Giuseppe Verdi's birthplace. Busseto, of Carolingian origins, was the capital of the Pallavicino State from the tenth to the sixteenth century. The magnificent fortress was built in 1520 when also the mighty walls were erected. The fortress hosts the Town Hall and the Giuseppe Verdi Theatre. Noteworthy: the Colleggiata of St Bartolomeo (1437), Santa Maria degli Angeli, Franciscan complex of the fifteenth century, and Villa Pallavicino, one of the most beautiful parmesan renaissance villa, Pallavicino's property till 1594. Today it hosts the civic museum that, besides furniture, paintings and documents, contains an important collection of Verdi's memorabilia.
From Busseto head for Roncole Verdi, where you can visit the native home of the maestro , today a museum, and the exhibition on G. Guareschi, author of Don Camillo e Peppone. Head then for Soragna whose magnificent fortress is named after the family that still owes it: Meli Lupi. Don't miss to visit the synagogue and the Jewish museum. |
Route n. 5 – 48 km – difficult
Salsomaggiore 160 m. a.s.l. – S.Nicomede 132 m. – Castelnuovo Fogliani 107 m – Villa S. Lorenzo 178 m – Castell'Arquato 224 m – Bacedasco Alto 198 m – Bacedasco Basso 98 m – Vigoleno 357 m – Scipione 260 m
From Salsomaggiore to Fidenza (s.s. 359). After 4,5 km turn left to S Nicomede riding in the open country. In S. Nicomede visit the most ancient church of the diocese. In this area you'll find the famous fossil deposit of the Parco dello Stirone. Take the road on your right, direction Piacenza Alseno to Castelnuovo Fogliani, where you can admire the wonderful fortified residence of the distinguished Famiglia Fogliani (not open to the public). Out of the village, direction Piacenza. At the stop signal turn right and then left to Villa S Lorenzo. After about 10 km you'll reach Castell'Arquato, characteristic medieval village. Crossing the bridge over the Arda torrent, after 40 m on the right, you'll find the signs to Bacedasco Alto where you''ll arrive after a 6 km rise . Descending to Bacedasco basso turn right and after 600 m on the left you'll find the signs to Vigoleno. At the end of a 3 km rise, on a bad maintained road, take the right to Vigoleno. Back to Salsomaggiore following the signs. When in Scipione Ponte keep the right, after a 1,5 km rise, on the left, you'll see the medieval village of Scipione Castello. After a couple of km descent you are back in Salsomaggiore. |
Route n. 6 – Mountain Bike
Bicycle trail: S. Nicomede – Trabucchi – Scipione Ponte – Trail length in the park 12 km. Medium riding time, including short stop, 4 hours
The trail winds through the Parco Fluviale Regionale dello Stirone, a protected area of the Emila Romagna Region.
The strong erosive activity of the Stirone torrent has created an extraordinary canyon and, in S. Nicomede, has given origin to a real open-air museum where characteristic fossil strata can be observed. From Salsomaggiore to Fidenza (s.s. 359). After 4,5 km turn left to S Nicomede. From here, following the signs for "località Cascatelle", you'll reach the banks of the Stirone torrent. You are within the most characteristic area of the Stirone river regional park: the open-air museum, where you can stop at the adjacent picnic area. Nearby find the Church of S Nicomede. Crossed the salsediana road, near Scipione Ponte, the trail continues, following the woodland riparian along the Stirone torrent heading to "località La Bocca" not far from the park visitor centre (telephone n. 0524581139) where another picnic area can be found. The trail continues and, if consented, you can ford the stream to the Piacenza bank at località Trabucchi . Here you can visit the S Genesio Church and cross the village to Vigoleno. Once on the provincial road to Pellegrino, direction Scipione Ponte, back to Salsomaggiore Terme following the signposts.